KH Nutrition ReFresh — Katie Hammill Nutrition
KH Nutrition ReFresh

KH Nutrition ReFresh

From time to time we all need a little ReFresh.  I don’t know about you but even though I haven’t gone “back to school” for what seems like ever, this time of year always feels like a fresh start.  

During the summer those sugar cravings start to take hold, the 4 o’clock slump has us reaching for an afternoon caffeine bomb, and we just don’t feel great in our skin.

The KH Nutrition ReFresh is designed to kick-start a healthy relationship with food using REAL whole foods, no calorie counting or deprivation.  This tailored 3-week nutritional plan is designed to tackle those sugar cravings for good and finally find a style of eating that not only makes you feel (and look) great but is truly sustainable.

We kick-off September 4th with a 4-day prep where I guide you through shopping and meal planning and then we hit the ground running on September 8th.

The program includes:

  • A complete ReFresh Cleanse Guide, Recipe book and Transition Plan
  • ReFresh Eating Out Guide
  • A private ReFresh Facebook group with personalized coaching throughout the program
  • Weekly FB Live coaching videos answering all your questions in real time and helping you overcome the hurdles that can get in the way of reaching your goals
  • Meal planning guides 
  • Vegan plans also available

All of this for just $79! 

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If you want to know a little more about my credentials as a Certified Nutritionist and background in nutrition click here,

We’ve got a great group ready to start after Labor Day.  To join us email me directly at 

Keto Moroccan Chicken Soup

Keto Moroccan Chicken Soup

Grain-Free Cinnamon Heart Granola

Grain-Free Cinnamon Heart Granola